Friday, May 9, 2014

The True Origin of Morals

Interview between Nevaeh and Lleh.

Nevaeh: Where did you come from?

Lleh: Why, I have no idea! The curator of this museum must have created me straight from his thoughts.

Neveah: How could you have come about?

Lleh: I must have in the same way you must have. I was created from your debris, and you from mine.

Nevaeh: So, are you saying it's as much my fault as yours? Can it really have been me that brought distopial characteristics to this world?

Lleh: Well, without you, who would want to rebel? Who could rebel? In fact, without your rules and regulations, restrictions on freedom and freedom to be restricted, who would have the ability to rebel?

Nevaeh: Yes, sure, that sounds true, but without thoughts of rebellion, who could rebel? Who would have the ability to rebel if they had no example of inkling of what true rebellion was?

Lleh: That makes sense, but how could we not introspect to the point of wanting to rebel? With the impossible standards of yours, how could morality be a good trait?

Nevaeh: My standards aren't impossible. Expecting people not to steal, worship anyone but me, lie, kill, envy, or adulterate is not an example of impossible standards.

Lleh: First of all, weren't you the one that told me yesterday that you envied that guy for having awesome shoes? What about that time when we were kids and we didn't exactly worship Superman, but we were Super close?

Nevaeh: First, you must have a good memory. Second, how did you hear about the shoes? Since when do you use another person's testimony? Did you just use your rule that nobody's perfect and deductive reasoning to get that? Lastly, no comment.

Lleh: Ha! Even you can't live up to your impossible standards!

Nevaeh: Rawr.

Lleh: So, your epistemic is low.

Nevaeh: What does that mean?

Lleh: It means that your justified belief has no validity. So, it's not only an opinion, but it's also not knowledge at all. I mean, you can't justify something you can't do yourself.

Nevaeh: I most likely could….

Lleh: No, you couldn't. It's not in human nature to be able to avoid envy and anger all together. While ethics tell you to do one thing, you can't stop thoughts from coming into your mind. If you are meant to think with envy and anger in your heart, that is what you'll think.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dear Liz Pit,

So, I found the only healthy cookie recipe. All you need is 2.25 servings of the sponsor of The Lonely Island's Dream Girl, the flavor no one eats for fun, 1 regular sized drink container full of wheel-ish wheat, 2 spoonfuls of chocolate in powder form, 0.75 regular sized drink containers of anti-bacon dairy cow product in powder form, 0.25 regular sized drink containers of extra wheat-y wheat, 1.25 spoonfuls of rise-y powder, 0.25 small British spoonfuls water-less oceans, 0.25 small British spoonfuls applesauce-less cinnamon applesauce, 1 big, brown speckled, yellow, half moon shaped, tropical fruit, 0.25 regular sized drink containers of salad grease, 0.5 regular sized drink containers of glucose, 2 big unhatched chicks, 7 big unhatched chicks, but only the part that's not yellow, and 1.5 small British spoonfuls of ice cream fruit from Madagascar.

You must first heat the tandoor to 25 degrees less than 400 degrees fahrenheit. Then, you mix the tropical fruit, Paula Dean's favorite food, glucoses, all of the unhatched chicks, and the ice cream fruit together, in the machine named for the task. Then, separate from this mixture, mix together the sponsor of The Lonely Island's Dream Girl, in the flavor no one eats if they have a choice, the wheel-ish wheat, chocolate in power form, the dairy cow product, the extra wheat-y wheat, rise-y powder, water-less ocean, and the applesauce-less cinnamon applesauce. Then, add the two parts together, mixing not badly, and let them alone for 5 minutes. Put them on an anti-stick metal flat surface. You must crush them before you put them into the tandoor for 11-12 minutes.

When you're done, you should have enough to feed you for 4 days. I think you should eat 6 oz. of fish or chicken, and 2 cups of salad with light dressing for dinner, because cookies do not a meal make. In all, since dinner would be about 300 calories, this is about 800 calories per day! That means you might lose some of that weight you seem to think you put on.

Of course, you are sure to regain said weight once you stop eating this way, and eating only one type of food, even if it is cookies, will get tiring. The good thing is most people on other weight-reduction plans complain about not having sugary foods, but with this, all you'd eat is cookies.

I mean, I would not do this, but I also don't think I need to lose weight. 

Please don't hate me for posting this.


Friday, May 2, 2014

If Happiness Really is a Chain of Paperclips...

If society is made to put out gleams of light,
Happiness is letting your light shine
To the point of blindness,
Then life is the road with gloomy moons,
And the end of the beginning.

Imagining life as anything else is a difficult feat,
As imagining gray to be any other color is foolish,
And the world murders any sign of optimism.

The universe is wrapped in shiny paper,
Just for those optimists,
So it can be perceived as smooth and good,
As opposed to the black hole for knowledge we know it to be.

Even though the exact knowledge is hard to find,
Either through testimony or a life time of experience,
Society teaches us that life is destructive,
Humans are only vessels of violence,
Beauty is in the demolished lives,
And only a chosen few are gifted with minds,
And only a handful have the true potential,
To use their memory and reasoning skills,
To form thoughts not found through ignorance.

In thousands of countries,
Teaching the whole world against epistemology.

Society is curved toward those unknowing,
whose premise is contingent on their beauty,
And that of others.

The slight imperfections of the world are sought out,
And when the mission has been fulfilled,
The visible edges are smoothed,
Giving the illusion that everything is fine.

While, on the inside,
The fault lines are where the wars start,
Causing the breakage of all material and emotion,
Until the lives of the living,
Have been consumed,
And the only breath is that of the monster,
Eating the dead souls,
Until there is nothing left.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Story of the Night

So, I read a poem, written by a very old, very dead, Muslim man named Rumi.

This poem was entitled Night and Sleep.

The line that caught my attention stated, "The eye goes blind, / when it only wants to see why" (7)

The line before this excerpt says, "Mysteries are not to be solved"(7)

In the poem, the statement, "An eye is meant to see things,"(1) had already been made.

Since the rest of the poem is about loving, honoring, and believing in God, it's my personal opinion that the eye is a metaphor for God.

Adding to this, the fact that people want to solve the mystery, and know why, is alluding to science, tests, and experience of the 5 senses.

This means that religion cannot be proven by science.

In fact, once one starts trying to explain the miracles explained in religion, religion doesn't matter anymore.

Religion looses its purpose once science is used. This video explains why some things are creepy, especially things we may not understand.

Good-bye My Duckies! I love you!

And, for my Mrs. Frasca, may you have feet, and inexplicable shoes.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Best are Always Blamed

Now, while I realize Othello is a tragedy, it wasn't Othello's fault everyone died……. Or was it?

Othello was completely in love with his wife, the lovely Desdemona.

The use of mistaken identity in this play did not refer to someone seeming to be who they weren't, it was the jealousy that took hold after Othello thought of what could have been, what should've, in his mind, been.

When everyone found out about their marriage, Othello was proud.

When he figured out that Cassio had Desdemona's handkerchief, though, he doubted her faithfulness.

He ended up murdering his wife, before he knew the whole story.

This is kind of like how, in this video, this man describes the different impulses for reasoning. He is like a teenager, and goes with his gut feeling instead of passing the information to the logical portion of his brain.

After he killed the "greatest good he was ever gonna get," Emilia, Iago's wife, told him the truth about her husband.

When Othello found out the truth, he committed suicide.

At least he didn't drown himself. For, Iago said to Roderigo, "Drown thyself? Drown cats and blind puppies!".

So, to summarize this, Othello was one for the big picture, ever when his perception of the whole picture would've changed had he been logical enough to avoid the wool being pulled over his eyes.

If you want, you may watch this video, it explains how we could have avoided Othello's guilt had Desdemona had a sassy gay friend.

Don't drown yourself, say good bye to Othello, this is the last Othello bog, and, as always, Goodbye my duckies!

Wait…. That is not a duck.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sorry to be the Bearer of Bad News, but the Innocent are Always Blamed.

So, this brings us to Michael Cassio.

Cassio makes Iago jealous, because Othello gave him a job. To get back at him, Iago made Othello think Desdemona and Cassio were together while the Cyprus war was being fought.

Cassio was completely innocent, and was only guilty of friendship, and being a Gentleman.

And, yes, I do mean Gentleman.

Now that chivalry is dead, real gentlemen really are too.

Today, we would call Cassio a player.

I mean, he kissed Emilia and Desdemona's hands. You might think he was trying to steal Iago and Othello's wives, but he wasn't.

Iago plans this elaborate plan, because he believes Cassio slept with Emilia.

So, Cassio was blamed for something, not only he did he not do, but he also would not do!

Cassio was the universal "good guy" of the Shakespearian era.

If I could befriend anyone from this play, it would be Cassio. He's sweet, a gentleman, and really did nothing to deserve Iago's hate.

If anything, he's chosen only because he was a friend to both Desdemona and Emilia. He wouldn't hurt Othello or Iago like that, and he really deserves no one's hate.

I think that if I could choose anything to go differently in this play, Cassio would find someone as nice as he is, and they would live happily ever after.

I don't mean to compare this to anything else, because Othello is in a category all it's own, but Cassio is the Jacob to Desdemona, his Bella. Cassio absolutely worships Desdemona, although he doesn't go after her after she chooses Othello.

The last thing I'd like to say is, don't blame your Cassios! Blame the Oogie Boogie-like Iagos, who try to kill Santa!

And, as always, good bye, my duckies!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Shakespeare, You Are Not My Friend.

For now, I'd like to discuss Desdemona.

Desdemona is the first "damsel in distress".

She was in love with Othello, even though he was black.

Michael Cassio became friends with Desdemona while Othello was fighting in the war against the Turks. I realize these aren't the Turks, but it's hard to find actual battles on Youtube.

Othello came back, and killed her.

Desdemona was innocent, and didn't deserve to be killed. Although, I think the idea of love shouldn't be used as an excuse.

It's like YOLO. YOLO was used as an excuse by people to justify their stupid actions.

You all remember how this ends, right?

I mean, not only did she married her husband in secret, but she went on to become close friends with a male while her beloved, whom she knew had jealousy issues, was at war.

This ultimately made her lose all faith I had in her. I mean, this is what lead to her following Iago's plan, which did end up going according to plan.

You should know that, if your husband has jealousy issues, you don't go making friends with guys he will get jealous of, if you have no time to explain.This makes me think Desdemona was planned to look stupid, not unlike these cats.

Thank you, Shakespeare!

And, as always, goodbye, my duckies!!!