Friday, May 9, 2014

The True Origin of Morals

Interview between Nevaeh and Lleh.

Nevaeh: Where did you come from?

Lleh: Why, I have no idea! The curator of this museum must have created me straight from his thoughts.

Neveah: How could you have come about?

Lleh: I must have in the same way you must have. I was created from your debris, and you from mine.

Nevaeh: So, are you saying it's as much my fault as yours? Can it really have been me that brought distopial characteristics to this world?

Lleh: Well, without you, who would want to rebel? Who could rebel? In fact, without your rules and regulations, restrictions on freedom and freedom to be restricted, who would have the ability to rebel?

Nevaeh: Yes, sure, that sounds true, but without thoughts of rebellion, who could rebel? Who would have the ability to rebel if they had no example of inkling of what true rebellion was?

Lleh: That makes sense, but how could we not introspect to the point of wanting to rebel? With the impossible standards of yours, how could morality be a good trait?

Nevaeh: My standards aren't impossible. Expecting people not to steal, worship anyone but me, lie, kill, envy, or adulterate is not an example of impossible standards.

Lleh: First of all, weren't you the one that told me yesterday that you envied that guy for having awesome shoes? What about that time when we were kids and we didn't exactly worship Superman, but we were Super close?

Nevaeh: First, you must have a good memory. Second, how did you hear about the shoes? Since when do you use another person's testimony? Did you just use your rule that nobody's perfect and deductive reasoning to get that? Lastly, no comment.

Lleh: Ha! Even you can't live up to your impossible standards!

Nevaeh: Rawr.

Lleh: So, your epistemic is low.

Nevaeh: What does that mean?

Lleh: It means that your justified belief has no validity. So, it's not only an opinion, but it's also not knowledge at all. I mean, you can't justify something you can't do yourself.

Nevaeh: I most likely could….

Lleh: No, you couldn't. It's not in human nature to be able to avoid envy and anger all together. While ethics tell you to do one thing, you can't stop thoughts from coming into your mind. If you are meant to think with envy and anger in your heart, that is what you'll think.

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