Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Story of the Night

So, I read a poem, written by a very old, very dead, Muslim man named Rumi.

This poem was entitled Night and Sleep.

The line that caught my attention stated, "The eye goes blind, / when it only wants to see why" (7)

The line before this excerpt says, "Mysteries are not to be solved"(7)

In the poem, the statement, "An eye is meant to see things,"(1) had already been made.

Since the rest of the poem is about loving, honoring, and believing in God, it's my personal opinion that the eye is a metaphor for God.

Adding to this, the fact that people want to solve the mystery, and know why, is alluding to science, tests, and experience of the 5 senses.

This means that religion cannot be proven by science.

In fact, once one starts trying to explain the miracles explained in religion, religion doesn't matter anymore.

Religion looses its purpose once science is used. This video explains why some things are creepy, especially things we may not understand.

Good-bye My Duckies! I love you!

And, for my Mrs. Frasca, may you have feet, and inexplicable shoes.

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